Note: This is a re-upload of an old write-up.
This is another write-up from an interesting little challenge. The original forum post about it can be found here.
To get your hands on the challenge I've prepared the base64 text representation of it once again below so you can try it yourself.
base64 -d < bin.b64 | gunzip > bin
Initial analysis
$ file bin
bin: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=917a8066affea23dc0c37a01c9004f8efa4e4c25, not stripped
We've got an unstripped x64 binary. Let's see how it behaves upon running:
$ ./bin
Usage: ./bin [key]
We need to provide a key!
$ ./bin asdf
The key has to be a number!
So we've got some more information about the needed input now.
$ ./bin 111111
Wrong length!
We even get feedback about the length, we could brute force the length by providing any number from length 1 to n. Let's take a look at the disassembly instead. First we can directly see the correct user input length being 4:

If only one input is accepted that leaves us with a 1 in 10^4 probability.
Let's dig some further into the disassembly. After validating the key size all four values are stored byte by byte into an array:

The loop iterates (0 <= loop counter <= 3) and accesses the argv[1] string based on the loop counter. Each element is then stored into the array. We can notice the array access with a fixed offset of 4 (array[rax*4]
), which indicates the field width of each array element. 4 bytes corresponds to an int
even on 64-bit.

When checking the length is done another loop construct verifies that each input byte is <= 9
, meaning it double checks that the user only inputs numbers. If that's not the case we go to the bad exit and get notified with "The key has the be a number!". Once we pass that check we reach this part:

Here the first array element of our user input is compared against the integer value 5. If there is no match control flow is redirected to another early exit. So we know for sure that the flag starts with a "5".!
Current flag: 5XXX
Afterwards the second input byte is looked at! First we load our 2nd provided digit into eax
. Next up we negate that number in a 0 - EAX
manner and put the result into edx
. Then we load our original 2nd input byte again and add 1 to it. The next instruction is the "gimmick" of this binary! Let's backtrack a bit. We have to provide a number, between 1 and 9 to pass all prior checks! If we negate any possible number our 2nd input byte maps to following (only least significant bit is important):
- 1 -> f -> 1111
- 2 -> e -> 1110
- 3 -> d -> 1101
- 4 -> c -> 1110
- 5 -> b -> 1011
- 6 -> a -> 1010
- 7 -> 9 -> 1001
- 8 -> 8 -> 1000
- 9 -> 7 -> 0111
So if we provide a 1 as our 2nd input byte we get an f in this step and so on.. So next up our 2nd input is pulled back into eax
again and 1 is added. This corresponds to the following possible mapping:
- 1 -> 2 -> 0010
- 2 -> 3 -> 0011
- 3 -> 4 -> 0100
- 4 -> 5 -> 0101
- 5 -> 6 -> 0110
- 6 -> 7 -> 0111
- 7 -> 8 -> 1000
- 8 -> 9 -> 1001
- 9 -> a -> 1010
Then the result of this addition and the negation of our 2nd input byte is thrown into the and
instruction. This and
happens on bit level and each bit is flipped to the classic boolean logic. The result of that operation resides in eax
. Directly following is another and eax, 0x4
and the result is set thrown into test eax, eax
to set the ZERO flag accordingly. With a set ZERO flag we're out!
So to summarize: We need to find an appropriate input, which can pass this testing chain resulting in the test eax, eax
not setting the zero flag so the control flow follows the desired good path! This can achieved in the case of our 2nd input being a 3 OR 4! Let's see why. Let's visualize this with the 2nd input being 3:
gets negated to 0xfffffffd
, from which only the LSB is relevant so 0xd
. 0xd
corresponds to 1101
in binary. If we do the first and
operation now we have:
1101 (0xd)
AND 0100 (0x3 +1)
0100 (0x4)
So the result for that is 0100. Next up follows and eax, 0x4
. We can rewrite this as and 0x4, 0x4
. Why? Because the eax
there is the result of bit-wise and operation with the negated 2nd input and the 2nd input +1. Hence, and 0x4, 0x4
obviously results in 0x4 again, which let's us pass the following test eax, eax
(as test
is just a fancy way of using and
) check. The same math can be done if our input for the 2nd byte is 4. Check it yourself :)!
Current flag: 5[3/4]XX

Following this we can directly see that the 3rd input byte cannot be equal to 6 or 5 as it would lead to yet another bad exit. This leaves us with 8 possibilities. However the calculation of the correct input is the same procedure as for the 2nd input byte, with the exception being that the and
operation is done with 2 instead of 4.
- 1 -> f -> 1111
- 2 -> e -> 1110
- 9 -> 7 -> 0111
When we do the bit-wise and
between the negative input value and with input+1 we get:
1+1 = 0010 2+1 = 0011 9+1 = 1010
AND 1111 AND 1110 AND 0111
________ ______ ______
0010 0010 0010
All these inputs result in an eax
of 0x2
, which let's us pass the following and eax, 0x2
and test eax, eax
Current flag: 5[3/4][1/2/9]X

For the last input byte we follow the same checking routine for a third time with the only modification being the and
operation yet again. Once again the same calculation routine as two times before. I'll cut it short this time. an input of 7 let's us pass the following check.
Current flag: 5[3/4][1/2/9]7
$ ./bin 5317
Congrats man!
MISC notes
A few notes for the assembly above:
Note: TEST sets the zero flag ZF, when the result of the bitwise AND operation is zero. If two operands are equal their bitwise AND is zero only when both are zero...
TEST also sets the sign flag SF, when the most significant bit is set in the result and the parity flag PF, when the number of set bits is even.
In the case here we do test eax,eax
on our input bytes, the result will never be 0, except we enter a 0 of course. The following Jump Sign (JS) will just take place if the most significant bit is set after the test
operation, meaning the result of that is negative.
Jump if Equals (JE) tests the zero flag and jumps if the flag is set. JE is an alias of JZ [Jump if Zero] so the disassembler cannot select one based on the opcode. JE is named such because the zero flag is set if the arguments to CMP are equal.