Fuzzing Fuzzing projects with american fuzzy lop (AFL) Preface This quick article will give a short introduction on what fuzzers are, how they work and how to properly setup the afl - american By 0x434b 4 May 2020
Exploitation Exploit Mitigation Techniques - Part 3 - Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) Preface Hey there! I'm finally ready to present you the third installment of the series exploit mitigation techniques. The last two times we By 0x434b 4 May 2020
Exploitation Exploit Mitigation Techniques - Part 1 - Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Preface Welcome to a new series about GNU/Linux exploit mitigation techniques. I want to shift the focus to the bypassed techniques to create a By 0x434b 4 May 2020
General Dissecting and exploiting ELF files Preface Hi folks! For quite some time there was no article from my side. Life kept me busy with all sorts of things, but here By 0x434b 4 May 2020
Exploitation An introduction to printer exploitation Preface Note: As always the following is just a digest of all the things I could observe by working on printers myself or facts from By 0x434b 4 May 2020